Thursday, December 23, 2010

My Family

This is us. We rock.
My brother from Belgium arrived two days ago and we drove to San Francisco to pick him up and see the beautiful lights. It was cold and misting, but the lights sparkled and danced in the wind and they made the rain magical. Ruben laughs at us when we say it's cold...."I just left a snow blizzard" he scoffs. I love hearing his laugh and his accent when he makes fun of me.
We've written, texted, facebooked and impatiently counted down the days and hours for months...and now I look over and there he is, sitting on the couch across from me, wiggling his foot. The dog sighs and we both stop writing for a moment to sigh back at her. Silly old dog.
We decorated the Christmas tree last night. I strung the lights up a week ago, and while the tree stood beautiful in its little twinkling lights, it still seemed quite bare until last night. Our antique lucky pickle was carefully hung, our baby ornaments unwrapped, and great-grandma's three-tiered glass ornament was hung in its revered place at the top of the tree. We didn't pay much attention to hanging ornaments on the back of the tree since that side remains against the window and unseen. Suddenly, under the weight of all the ornaments placed on just one side, the tree slowly tilted and began to fall! With all the ornaments! Ruben was on a chair and caught it and Ryan found some twine to tie it to the wall. Our tree is securely tied now and the ornaments are safe....but it's funny to remember our shocked and alarmed faces when we realized our tree was falling down.
Yes. There are going to be plenty of adventures this Christmas season.
Because we are family. And we rock.

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