Wednesday, May 26, 2010

...A Time to Drive

We're hitting the road at 9pm tonight!
The STOA National Speech and Debate Tournament started on Monday, but due to work, school, and other commitments, Mom, Sara, Ryan and I were unable to be there for the first three days. After a long day of Jamba, school for Ryan, and classes for Mom, we're heading out. San Diego or bust!

It's a 10 hour drive...and we're starting at 9pm. o.O
We've got some great CDs with songs including:
Hey, Soul Sister
Shark in the Water
Si Yo Fuera un Chico
Dance in the Dark
Everytime We Touch
Estoy Aqui
California Gurls
Somos Mar y Arena
Scenic World
Sun Comes Down
Desmargaritando el Corazon
and more. We'll be singing a lot. :)

We've got plenty of snacks (crackers, cheese, apples, animal crackers, *chocolate covered coffee beans*, water, pretzels, etc...), and a couple pillows for the few who want to catch a few winks tonight.
I'll be driving all.night.long. Whee! Chances are, we'll find a Wal Mart or similar place to stop for a couple hours and sleep (Wal Mart is preferable...they have lighted parking lots with ever-patroling security guards. How convenient...we'll be guarded as we sleep. Nice.).

Leave Sacramento: 9:00pm
---500 miles---
Arrive San Diego: 7:00am(ish)

1 comment:

Juliet SN said...

Risa, dear! If you need to, y'all can stop by at our house :) I know it's only 2 hours from San Diego, and but if you guys just need to crash for an hour or so, you're welcome to :)