Thursday, October 4, 2012


The night is long and, while my body is exhausted, my mind is restless.  Long to-do lists form as I try to sleep and I suddenly remember things I needed to accomplish, people I needed to talk to, emails I needed to send, but didn't.  So I'm up again writing people I need to, and to people I love. Postcards are scattered across my desk with a variety of colorful destinations: Peru, Spain, Sacramento, Fallbrook.

The night is dense and ocean fog shrouds the stars in a veil of mist. There's a 3/4 moon hiding somewhere out there. I suppose knowledge is like that: you know it's there, you just have to find and learn it.  That's probably why it's addicting. There's so much potential to learn, and often about things you didn't know existed.

I'm off to make a cup of Jordanian tea and write a few more emails. The sun'll be up soon.


Freckled Philologist said...

Oh, I'm so glad for those late night musings for the joy they bring in the form of greetings and love to those places and people that you've mentioned and others that come to mind. You have an amazing capacity for love. Loyal love. Love in action. Authentic love.
So glad for you.
Besos Mil!

Anonymous said...

You keep this up and you'll be as much of a night owl as me. Which would be bad, because they don't have 1 a.m. college classes