Tuesday, March 9, 2010


My coworkers joke that spring officially starts the day customers line up out the door.

I know it's spring when our apple tree is covered in innocent, pink blossoms.

I know it's spring when robins can be seen darting across the wet grass, tugging at long, brown earthworms.

I know it's spring when the tulips open and the daisies bloom.

I know it's spring when the ridiculous amount of layers is no longer needed. A simple sweater will suffice.

I know it's spring when the chickens begin to cackle and eggs appear once more in the straw nests.

I know it's spring when there's a song in the breeze and a laugh in the clouds.

"Springtime is the land awakening. The March winds are the morning yawns." -Lewis Grizzard in Kathy Sue Loudermilk's 'I Love You'

1 comment:

ALEX said...

Preciosas fotos Risa...tiene que ser preciosa la primavera tan florida en CA.
Me gusta la luz y el desenfoque del fondo.
Un saludo desde España.

Risa precious photos ... must be so beautiful spring flowering in CA.
I like light and blur the background.
A greeting from Spain.
